Thinking Into Results is the most comprehensive system based on 50+ years of research into the science and mechanics of Personal development. Bob Proctor has over 50+ years in the success development industry with proven results and his partner Sandy Gallagher has 20+ years in corporate bank merger and acquisition law experience, together they developed this program to take your dreams, goals, desires from wishing to having.
Bob Proctor
50 + years ago Bob went from making $4000 a year owing $6000 to making over $175,000 a year. He did three very important things. A man named Ray Stanford believed in Bob and became his mentor and gave him Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich to study. ( There is one, a mentor and two study.) Bob continued to study, and got the long playing record of Earl Nightingale's condensed narration of Think and Grow Rich , and played it in his car on a portable record player, over and over and over again. (Three Repetition).
Sandy Gallagher
Sandy, is a mergers and acquisitions banking lawyer, who did multi-billion dollar deals, went to a Bob Proctor seminar for leadership. She said she had never heard anyone talk about the mind the way he did. When you hear Sandy talk about her reactions to what Bob was teaching, she will tell you Bob had "chopped my head off, shook it all around and put it back on". In that seminar she decided to become Bob's partner, and she did. With her committed decision, Sandy set off and achieved her goal of being Bob's partner and created with him Thinking Into Results.
Jennifer Tyler
Access to highly skilled and trained Proctor Gallagher Institute Consultant to guide and facilitate the learning process. Jennifer helps you and your team CREATE the life/business of your dreams.
What makes Thinking Into Results different?
Thinking Into results is a 12 lesson program that provides you with the tools, skills and knowledge with step by step strategies needed to get you from where you are to the dream/goal/desire you have. No matter what your goal/dream is Thinking Into Results will show you how to get it.
Immediate Impact- You don't have to wait for the benefits. Right from Lesson 1 you can use the material in your daily life. You gain an understanding of how the mind works and how to engage the conscious and subconscious. Your mind will start absorbing and responding and you will experience a QUANTUM LEAP.
Strategic Repetition- The power of repetition is maximized in each individual lesson- which is the most powerful and fundamental law of learning- which causes a fundamental change in your mental process which creates the changes in your results. Through targeted repetition you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY create new habits that lead to long term prosperity and abundance.
Life-long Application- You will find yourself eager to achieve new goals. Your desire to be more, do more and have more will be source for you to live a more productive and happier life. With the power of this program you will permanently possess the ability to get ANYTHING you want.
It's Time
"Thoughts become things, if you can see it in your MIND, you can HOLD it in your hand."- Bob Proctor
What do you get?
Powerful Tools
Workbook with activities, Videos with Bob and Sandy, Live coaching with Q&A, & Facebook group for support.
What can you change?
Understand the workings of the mind like never before. Overcome negative self talk and limiting beliefs. Create a more meaningful purpose driven life. Achieve your professional and personal goals.
Weekly Webinars to answer questions, review worksheets, keep you on track and hold you accountable.
Workbook and activities that will immediately apply what you learn in the lessons, so you can see yourself progressing, growing, moving towards your goal in real time.
Where Could you be in 24 weeks?
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.- Earl Nightingale
Changing your paradigms, setting goals that scare and excite you are what we are made to do. Have you ever watched a toddler learning to walk, they fall, sometimes get hurt, cry it out and start all over again. They don't stop working towards getting to run. Unfortunately, we loose some of that drive as we get older to self doubt, fear, low self esteem and bad habits. As we grow in personal and professional development, we gain understanding of yourselves and we set our selves up to do things we never dreamed of as kids or even teenagers, we break through our terror barriers to find our desires/goals/dreams are all we really want and then go again.
Start THINKING INTO RESULTS and start moving your life from where you are now to where YOU really want to be.