Jennifer J Tyler

Order in Life

By - Jennifer
09.04.18 05:51 PM

Order is Heaven's first law- Sandy Gallagher 

We all know someone who seems to have it all together. Their desk is neat, everything runs on time and the way they expect it to. Why is that? They understand how Order works.  What is your first impression when you hear the word order? Everything in its place, tidy room, or a place that nothing spontaneous happens.  For me it is a Drill Sargent walking down the bunk room on inspection, everything in place, and no dirt to be found. In fact, that is only one aspect of how order works. Order is a state of mind that can make a picnic the place to be, a night on the town the best night of  your life or make things run so smooth, you don't know how you did it. 

How does that work? Mindset. Think of order as your destination. Your destination to the work life, family life, and relationships you want.  The first tool we are going to use here is understanding what order is and isn't. Order by definition is the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method: that we are going to use for this conversation. The universe works in a precise order set by the universe or higher power. From that we have an abundance of everything we need to live on planet Earth. Rocket ships are launched to the moon using the laws of physics in order. Order comes from knowing the sequence to use to gain what we want. We all know the opposite to order is chaos, feeling out of control.  Now how do we move from feeling overwhelmed, chaotic to calm, in control?

Visualization is the second tool to help us get there. See your work space neat, tidy, prep for meeting done, or house in order, kids off to school without hassle. If you cannot see it, write it out, everyday for 30 days. You will  see as you write it out the vision will become clearer and clearer. If your work space is not in order, clean it up. You will find as you clean, your thoughts will become more ordered as well, your mood will improve and you will be able to set your daily actives up to achieve the life you want. 

Order is not the enemy of fun, but the tool to have more of it. By using this concept, changing how you think about order, you can change how your day to day life feels. 

People can't Change their Habits without first changing their thinking- Marie Kondo from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying.

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